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索尼电子发布了一款4K 60p泛倾斜变焦相机,带有基于人工智能的自动取景功能

Seamlessly Integrating with Sony's Ecosystem, the BRC-AM7 Also Features Proven Image Quality and an Integrated Lens

索尼电子发布了一款带有集成镜头的4K 60p平移变焦(PTZ)旗舰相机, the BRC-AM7. Incorporating PTZ Auto Framing technology, which uses artificial intelligence (AI) technology for advanced recognition, 该相机便于准确、自然地自动跟踪移动的物体. 这些创新使广播的高质量视频制作变得简单, live event, and sports productions.

BRC-AM7也是世界上最小、最轻的集成镜头PTZ相机[1], measuring 168.7mm in width (approximately 6.64 inches), 225.2mm in height (roughly 8.87 inches), and 192.3mm in depth (about 7.57 inches), with a weight of about 3.7kg (approximately 8.16 pounds). 尺寸和重量促进更大的自由度,包括增加安装灵活性, broader accessibility in challenging locations, and more vantage points. BRC-AM7还可以轻松地与索尼的专业相机生态系统配合使用, providing compatibility and seamless color matching.

“BRC-AM7增强了索尼丰富的PTZ相机遗产,以其图像质量而闻名,并加强了索尼的连接解决方案生态系统,” said Kento Sayama, Deputy Vice President, Imaging Solutions, Sony Electronics. “我们最近将基于人工智能的自动跟踪和自动取景技术整合到我们的模型中,得到了巨大的反馈. 相机的持续跟踪和框架人才的能力将通过花费时间和猜测工作来创造内容,同时提供高生产价值,从而提高生产效率.”

The BRC-AM7 is planned to be available early 2025. It is scheduled to be on display April 14-17, 2024, 在拉斯维加斯举行的全美广播协会(NAB)展上,索尼的展位(C8201)上.

ptz camera

Sony’s advanced PTZ Auto Framing technology, 这是目前SRG-A系列PTZ相机为企业和教育客户优化的特点, will expand to additional models. Planned for spring 2025 or later in the U.S. and Canada, Sony will provide a Ver. 3.00固件更新,将PTZ自动取景技术添加到FR7全画幅, interchangeable lens PTZ camera.

Excellent Picture Quality

By combining the 1.0-type 4K (3,840 x 2,160像素)兼容堆叠Exmor RS™CMOS图像传感器和最新的图像处理引擎BIONZ XR®, the BRC-AM7 achieves 4K 60p high-resolution imagery with less noise. 5K oversampling allows users to capture high-resolution 4K video, and it also supports 4K HDR imagery, which clearly depicts both bright and dark scenes.

新开发的一体式镜头配备了20倍光学变焦和清晰图像变焦, 一个全像素的超分辨率变焦,允许高放大变焦,同时保持分辨率, providing telephoto capture up to 30x in 4K or 40x in Full HD.

它也有一个内置独特的电子可变ND过滤器,允许无缝调整过滤器透过率从1/4到1/128. 除了能够在不改变景深的情况下调整曝光, 用户还可以利用自动设置来自动调整光线强度到相机上设置的水平,以适应具有挑战性的照明条件的环境.

Advanced PTZ Auto Framing Technology

Sony’s PTZ Auto Framing technology, which also incorporates auto focus, employs built-in AI analytics for advanced recognition, 根据人的骨骼等详细信息自动跟踪对象, head, face, and clothing. 直观的操作和远程功能有助于提高管理生产或实时事件的效率.

The newly developed pan-tilt rotation mechanism enables quick, smooth, and quiet operation at a speed of 0.004 degrees per second up to 180 degrees per second. It expands the range of applications, to include scenarios requiring accurate framing movement, such as dance, concerts, faith services, and sports. Furthermore, BRC-AM7配备了预设功能,允许相机构图注册和召回,轻松再现.

Robust System Interoperability

ptz camera with system camera

The BRC-AM7 easily integrates into Sony’s camera lineup, employing “ITU709,” “709tone,” “S-Cinetone™,” and “S-Log3” compatibility for simplified color matching. It also features a familiar user experience and operation. 相机支持GENLOCK终端,并与索尼的主设置单元和远程控制面板兼容, enabling multi-camera operation, as well as integration with Sony’s switchers.

Additionally, 该相机小巧轻便的设计允许在难以安装的位置(包括天花板)进行拍摄, cranes, or batons on stage, 以及使用底面3/8-16 UNC和1/4-20 UNC螺丝孔的三脚架拍摄.

In terms of power supply, BRC-AM7与多功能XLR 4针连接器兼容,并支持PoE++(以太网供电++)[2].

多功能音频输入和视频输出允许增加系统扩展和定制. 该相机具有12G-SDI和HDMI®输出,以及3G-SDI显示器输出. For audio, the BRC-AM7 has two channels of XLR 3-pin connectors and a φ3.5mm stereo input.

IP and free-d Compatible for Supporting New Video Production

The BRC-AM7 supports SRT, RTMP, RTSP, NDI[3], and optical fiber, enabling remote production over IP networks. It is compatible with VISCA™ over IP, S700PTP protocol, and CGI, allowing for remote camera control via external commands. 它还支持IP计数,为远程生产提供全面的支持.

Furthermore, the BRC-AM7 is compatible with the free-d protocol, 通常用于虚拟产品,如增强现实(AR)和虚拟现实(VR)。. 它可以准确地将相机跟踪信息(平移/倾斜/变焦/对焦/光圈)输出到3D空间, 允许将真人的实时镜头与3D计算机图形背景和角色无缝集成, creating realistic composite images.

Sustainable Construction and Packaging


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